Best practice

Postboxes for employees

Salary and payroll accounting, proof of hours worked, expenses accounts, messages regarding social security and canteen receipts are just some of the documents that every employee must be issued with every month. With a growing number of employees, thoughts quickly turn to an enveloping machine and the outlay involved in distribution and sending. A postbox for every employee is a more than worthy alternative.

The postboxes were set up on an internet server. Access is protected by the requisite access data.

All employee-specific vouchers are personalised by means of printing adjustment. The payroll office merely starts the print job. In the background, the printouts are received by a software solution and loaded to the postbox of the respective employee on the basis of their personalisation.

The employee accesses their documents from their own home via the internet and prints them out if they need to or wish to do so.

Simple - fast - reliable!

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Albert Graf, FactWork sales